Monday, November 10, 2014

my benadryl shot experience

Monday, November 10, 2014

Just want to share what happen today. When I came back from lunch, I felt something different in me. Ung tipong lahat ng init ko sa katawan umakyat lahat sa ulo ko, I felt my temperature was very high. I though to myself, maybe I walked under the sun kaya mainit talaga. So I went on to my readings. After  a while, I decided to take a short nap but couldn't sleep because of what I was feeling plus I have headache na. When it was time to work, I told my colleague about what I was feeling and to her surprise I already turned red, as in shining shimmering red. I looked at the mirror and saw my face was red including my neck and both arms. I called the company nurse and rehearse to her what I felt and she told me to come drop by the clinic to be assess. The nurse let me rest while waiting for the doctor to arrived. Temperature - 36 degrees celsius, Blood pressure - 100/70, normal lahat! She even gave me a "celestamine" tablet for my redness to subside. Nung dumating si Doc, he checked on me and I was surprise because when he came back he was holding a syringe. Sabi ko, ayaw ko ng injection...waaaa...but he had to do the shot. It was a benadryl shot, I thought to myself "diba pang ubo ung benadryl?" I had no choice but to take it. I was nervous. the last time I had a shot was in grade school, anti-measles un kung hindi ako nagkakamali. I hold tight to the nurse's hand while the doctor is doing the procedure. sabi nga nila "kagat lang ng langgam" hahaha...after the shot, I was getting cold. actually, i was chilling na until I fell asleep. I was in the clinic at 1:30pm and went back to my post at work by 4:20pm. I was really sleepy because of the medicine. 

Sabi ng doctor, mabagal daw ang effect ng celestamine kaya he had to give me benadryl. nag research ako after kung ano ung benadryl kay mr. google.

Hindi pala pang ubo lang ang benadryl, may antihistamine din pala un for allergies. Oh by the way, I think I got the allergy sa baon ko na daing na bangus. Kaya pala feeling ko may kakaiba sa fish na un but I didn't mind. So we really need to be careful on what we eat. 

I'm okay now. back to normal na ulit ang color ng skin ko. Though my left shoulder is still in paid because of the benadryl shot. Plus I was put on a 4-day medication of celestamine at hindi muna pwede eat ng bangus. Waaa... makes me think of Dagupan! Haha :)

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